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2010年MPA全国联考真题英语(A卷)(七)预览_试题下载  48. According to the author, buying, new objects on borrowed money is .

  A. unwise

  B. shameful

  C. understandable

  D. impressive


  49. "Smart people" in the last paragraph refer to .

  A. clever businessmen

  B. people with high IQs .

  C. fashionable wealthy people

  D. people good at money management


  50. The purpose of this passage is to .

  A. show sympathy with poor consumers

  B. criticize consumption of luxuries

  C. advise people to become money-smart

  D. persuade people to keep off fashions


  Part IV Cloze Test ( 15 minutes, 10 points )


  Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each numbered blank there are 4 choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

  There is one lairly standard reason why some thinkers regard the meaning-of-life question as being itself meaningless. They argue 51 meaning is a matter of language not objects. It is a 52 of the way we talk about things not a teature of things themselves 53 shape weight or colour .A cabbage or a computer is not meaningful in itself ; it become 54 only by being caught up in our conversations. On this theory we can make life 55 by our talk about it ; but it cannot have a meaning in itself 56 than a cloud can . It would not 57 sense for example to speak of a cloud as being true or false 58 truth and falsehood are functions of our human judgments about clouds . However there are problems with this argument 59 there are with most philpsophical arguments . We shall be 60 a few of them later on .

  51. A that B how C if D when

  52. A means B question C problem D method

  53. A with B for C like D as

  54. A this B that C such D so

  55. A rich B important C meaningful D colourful

  56. A not more B far more C much more D any more

  57. A make B bring C take D give

  58. A Hence B Rather C Still D Therefore

  59. A when B since C as D for

  60. A writing about B hunting for

  C listening to D looking at


  英 语 试 卷 Ⅱ


  Part V Translation (30 minutes,10 points)

  Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese and put your translation on the ANSWER SHEET

  Human friend may come and go . but a horse could be one of your most loyal.long-term friends if you treat it right . Horses understand words better than expected , since horses can hear the humanvoice better than even hogs can , due to their particular range of hearing . And scientists prcdict that trainers could have greater success if they use more verbal

  commands in their horse training programs. Horses possess excellent memories , which allow horse to not only recall their human friends after a long period of sepaiation but also to remember some complex human instructions for ten year or more . The bonds with humans are likely an extension of horse behavion in the wild , since horses value their own horses relatives and friends ,and are also open to new , non-threatening acquaintances . Horses maimoin long-term with memners of their family group . but they also internct temporarily with meminers of other groups when forming herds.

  Part VI Writing (30 minutes,15 points)

  Directions: You are to write in no less than 120 words on the topic “Harmfulness of Fake

  Commodities”. Your composition should be based on the Chinese clues given below.


  1. 如果有机会到国外度假两周,你会选择哪个国家?

  2. 请至少给出三个理由!

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