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2006年在职攻读硕士学位全国联考英语试题(三)预览_试题下载  24.If nature does not provide man with the necessary material,it is the laboratorv____he will  turn to for it.

  A.where B.which C.that D.what


  25.All flights——because of the snowstorm,they decided to take the train.

  A.were cancelled B.have been cancelled

  C.had been cancelled D. havihg been cancelled


  26.I really appreciate______to help me,but I am sure that I can manage it myself.

  A.you to come B.that you come

  C.your coming D.how you come


  27.A new system of quality control was__to overcome the shortcomings in the firm’s prod ucts.

  A..invested B.reformed C introduced D.instructed


  28.It may be worthwhile at this moment to____and see what results we have got after one year’s experiments.

  A.100k back B.100k around C.100k up D.100k forward


  29.I don’t think Mr.Watson wili come here again today.Please give the ticket to____comes here first.

  A.whomever B.whom C.who D.whoever


  30.Far too many owners of electric appliances have a hard time___________qualified repairmen to fixtheir machines.

  A.finding B.to find C.to finding D.having foun


  Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension (40 minutes,40 points)

  Directions:There are 4 passages in this part.Each of the passages is followed by 5 questions or unfinisbed statements.For each of them there are 4 choices marked A,B.Cand D.Choose thebest one and lTlark your allszuer 0n the ANSWER SHEET zuith a single line through the cellter.

  Passage One

  Don’t have time to read anymore?Now you can get free,quick literatnre via emait.More

  than 100 000 people open their email each day,to read a chapter of a book,through Chapter—A—

  Day.an online book club created two years ago.It’s a free email service that provides a short dai—ly reading for busy people,exposing them to literature they may not find on their own inspiring

  some to recommit it to the reading habit.About 550 public library systems representing over 3 000 branch libraries already have signed up to offer Chapter—A—Day.Via email,participants get about five minutes’worth of reading every day.After three chapters are∈mailed.the installments stop,and those who want to keep reading can borrow the book at their public library or purchase it online.Chapter—A—Day has eight free book clubs,and sells thousands of books each month.

  Chapter—A-Day started in 1999 when Suzanne Beecher,a lifelong book lover,realized how

  manyof the women whoworked part—time for her software development company didn’t havetime in their busy lives to read.She decided to type part of a chapter of a book,and send it to heremployees through email.The next day she typed a little more,and continued tosend literary

  installments each day.She says she started getting feedback from the staff about how readingmade them feel.“They were interested,and realized that.though they didn’t have time in theirbusv lives for reading,just reading that little bit each day got them back in the habit."Realizingthat many other people could benefit.she decided to take the idea even further and start an email"chapter-a-day’’book club to help others ease their way back into daily reading.“Reading makeschanges in people’S lives.”Beecher says.

  Pat Dempsey.a librarian at a public library in Ohio,has found Chapter—A—Day helps her li—brary clients get back in the habit of reading."It’s a different way to get people h00ked onbooks,”she says.

  3 1.Chapter-A-Day is intended to help people__.

  A.get back into the habit of reading

  B.relieve stress from office work

  C.find interesting books online

  D.buy books more conveniently


  32.The passage was written in__.

  A.1999 B.2000 C.2001 D.2002


  33.1t can be inferred that through Chapter—A-Day——.

  A.Dublic libraries have become crowded with readers

  B.Ms Beecber made much money for her software company

  C.Deople begin to read very slowly and patiently

  D.Deople cannot finish reading any book online


  34.The word“installment”in the passage probably means“——”-

  A.a 1ibrary email B.a rare piece of literature

  C.a free novel D.a part of a book


  35.Ms Beecher decided to expand her Chapter—A—Day service because__•

  A.over 3 000 1ibraries had j oined

  B.many other people could benefit

  C.eight book clubs supported her

  D free emajl service was available

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