商务英语报名、考试、查分时间 免费短信提醒




  缺乏商务词汇的积累:日常使用的英语与商务情景使用的英语有较大的差异,这种差异尤其体现在词汇的含义方面。例如:“Prospect”一词在日常英语中表达的是“前景”“前途”的意思,我们可以说“Weface the grim prospect of still higherunemployment。(我们面对失业率进一步增高前景堪虑)”,而在商务环境中,它的词义发生了很大的变化。如:You need to learnhowto convertprospects to clients。(你需要学会如何把潜在客户转化成普通客户)。这里“prospects”显然是“潜在客户”或“有望成为客户的意思”,相当于 potential clientsorprospective clients。


  adj=adjective; adv=adverb; n=noun; v=verb; inf=informal; pl=plural; abbr=abbreviation


  A share (n.) an ordinary share that does not give the owner the right to vote on company issues A股

  [例] Our company will issue A shares on market.

  abroad (adv.) to/in another country国外的

  [例] The sales director is abroad on business trip.

  [同义词] overseas, in foreign parts, out of the country

  absence (n.) time/period away from work缺席

  [例] The absence of the chief director of the meeting is somewhat a pity.

  [同义词] nonattendance, nonappearance

  absent (adj.) not present, not at work缺席的

  [例] Please let your section head know if you are likely to be absent for a longer period.

  [同义词] away, off, missing

  absenteeism (n.) regular absence from work旷工

  [例] If motivation decreases, absenteeism is likely to increase.

  absorb (v.) integrate a smaller item into a larger whole兼并、担负(费用)

  [例] Head Office has absorbed the losses of our French subsidiary.

  absorption costing a way of pricing goods by allowing for all costs relating to production in the sale price 归纳成本法

  [例] Our company mainly use absorption costing to set the sale price of products.

  abstract (n.) short version of a longer document摘要

  [例] Please brief your staff the abstract of the prevailing government regulations.

  [同义词] summary, synopsis, digest

  accepting house = (US) accepting bank an organization, often a merchant bank, that promise to pay a bill of exchange in return for a fee 承兑银行

  access 1. (n.) entry to something通道

  [例] We have access to classified information.

  [同义词] entrance, passage

  2. (v.) gain entry into computer data files获取计算机数据(文件)

  [例] They shouldn’t have been able to access this file.

  [同义词] output

  account (n.) record of financial transactions帐户

  [例] In our bank, if no transaction takes place in 2 years, your personal account will become unclaimed.

  account executive (n.) an advertising executive who looks after a particular client(广告或服务业)业务经理

  [例] Jack is the account executive of this advertising company.

  accounts payable a list of amounts owned to a business to suppliers of goods and services 应付帐款

  [例] add an entry to accounts payable

  accountancy (n.) work of an accountant会计工作

  [例] At the end of a year, the accountancy of a big company is always very burdensome.

  accountant (n.) person qualified to keep a company’s accounts会计师(员)

  [例] To be a good and competent accountant, accounting principles should be strictly followed.

  accounts (n. pl) financial records of a business帐目

  [例] The bank would like to see the accounts.

  accruals (n. pl) money owed which is due at a later date 增长额,利息

  [例] The accruals you owe him will be due next week.

  achieve (v.) succeed in doing something完成

  [例] The two parties achieved final agreements in mutual benefits.

  [同义词] accomplish, complete, finish

  achievement (n.) the successful completion of something ,something successfully completed 完成、成就

  [同义词] accomplishment, completion, perfection

  acknowledge (v.) confirm that something has arrived确认收悉

  [例] We acknowledge receipt of the shipment.

  [同义词] admit, accept

  acknowledgement (n.) confirmation that something has arrived收条

  [例] After you have received the mail, please return your acknowledgement by fax.

  [同义词] acceptance

  acquire (v.) buy, obtain购得、占有

  [例] We acquired a company, shares, etc.

  [同义词] obtain, get, procure

  acquisition the act of acquiring 收购

  [例] The good news from TCL: the acquisition of Schneider!

  [同义词] merger, takeover

  acting (adj.) working in the position of someone for a short time代理的

  [例] an acting manager

  active money (n.) money that is being used by the public as opposed to money left in bank accounts.流通货币(相对于银行帐户中的货币)

  [例] The inflation increases active money .

  activity (n.) type of business业务

  [例] Our main activity is export /import trade.

  [同义词] business

  act of God (n.) an unexpected or unavoidable event such as a storm , a flood , and earthquake ,etc mentioned in some insurance contracts as a cause of loss or damage 不可抗力

  [例] We will include the term of act of God in this insurance policy to against some uncertain factors.

  [同义词] force majeure

  actual (adj.) real实际的

  [例] Our actual results were better than forecast.

  actual loss (n.) the real cost of something as opposed to a sum of money stated on paper实际损失(相对于帐面损失)

  [例] In the recession, for the latest fiscal year, our actual loss is much greater than the paper loss.

  [相关词汇] paper loss

  actuals (n.) goods that can be purchased and used , as opposed to goods traded on a futures contract that are represented by documents实货(相对于期货)

  [例] The merchant is especially interested in the trading of futures , not actuals.

  [同义词] physicals

  adapt (to ) (v.) to make suitable to or fit for a specific use or situation. 使适应

  [例] the ability to adapt quickly to a new situation

  [同义词] adjust

  addendum (n.) an extra section that is attached to ,or follows , a letter , report,ect 附录,附件

  [例] write an addendum to a report

  [同义词] appendix

  address (v.) 1.deal with 处理

  [例] address public concerns

  2.give speech to 演说

  [例] address audience on a business project

  adjourn (v) to stop (a court case, a meeting , etc.)for a time before beginning again 延期,休会

  [例] The board meeting has been adjourned to an uncertain date.

  [同义词] postpone

  adjust (v) to settle an insurance claim 理算保险索赔

  [例] After the car accident, he made an insurance claim that will be adjusted soon.

  administration (n.) organization and control of a company经营、管理

  [例] The administration power of a company also shows the internal control of the company.

  [同义词] management

  admin (n.) abbreviation for administration 经营、管理

  administer (v.) organize, control: 管理

  [同义词] manage

  adopt (v.) choose, decide on采用

  [例] We adopted a new strategy.

  advance (n.) money paid before it is due, or for work only partially completed 预付款

  [例] Yesterday I received an advance on my monthly wage.

  (v) 1. to increase 提高

  [例] On bull market , shares are advancing rapidly.

  [同义词] increase

  2.to pay something before it is due 预付

  [例] The publishing house advanced me on royalties.

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