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2011成人高考英语练习题及答案(三)预览_试题下载  ( )53. ________ will be able to solve the problem.

  A. Only Bill‘s mother B. Only the old man

  C. Only the grandson‘s friends D. Nobody


  ( )54. In the sentence “Everyone in Bill‘s family is bothered by the new neighbour”, “bother” means ________.

  A. scare B. cause trouble to C. worry D. make sorry




  The sea is the largest unknown part of the world. It covers seventy-one percent of the earth. There is still much to be discovered about this vast blanket of water.

  If the waters of the oceans could be moved away, the sea floor with its wide valleys, irregular mountains and rivers in the sea would be an unbelievable sight. Around the edges of the continents the ocean floor is flat and the water does not become much deeper for about thirty miles. Where there are high young mountains along the coast, this flat part may be much less than thirty miles. But where rivers flow into the sea, the flat area may extent for hundreds of miles.

  The region near the continents, where the water is not so deep, is the place where the ocean‘s greatest riches in marine life are found. Below these creatures and plants are the largest known quantities of minerals.

  At the end of the flat part the sea floor suddenly drops down, forming deep hollows which are shaped like bowls. These huge hollows hold most of the world‘s water.

  Imagine, if you can, a mountain chain stretching 40,000 miles around the earth. It is hard to believe that this great under-water chain of mountain encircling the earth was discovered only a few years ago.

  ( )55. Land areas cover _______ of the earth.

  A. seventy-one percent B. two-thirds

  C. thirty-one percent D. twenty-nine percent


  ( )56. Around the edges of the continents the water is relatively ________.

  A. narrow B. deep C. shallow D. regular


  ( )57. _______ is the good place for living creatures and plants.

  A. The deep water area of the sea

  B. The edges of the continent

  C. The shallow water area not far from the continents

  D. The area around the continents


  ( )58. A few years ago, ________ of 40,000 miles was ________.

  A. a chain of mountains; found

  B. a mountain chain; engirded

  C. an under water chain of mountains; discovered

  D. a mountain chain around the earth; imagined




  Jenkins was a jeweler, a master craftsman for the Silkstone Jewellery Company. Ten years ago he made a large diamond ring for the company. It was worth $2,000. The second looked exactly like the first. Jenkins knew it would pass all the usual tests—except one perhaps. Jenkins gave the much more valuable ring to his wife, It was her fortieth birthday, and the couple flew to Paris for a weekend. Later, the company sold the ring for $6,000.

  Six months ago the buyer brought it back to Silkstone‘s head office. “It’s a faulty diamond,” he said. “It isn‘t worth the high price I paid.”

  He explained the ,facts. His wife‘s car had caught fire in an accident. She had escaped, but the ring had come off her finger. It had fallen to the floor and been damaged in the great heat of the burning petrol.

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