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2011成人高考英语练习题及答案(四)预览_试题下载  The company had to agree. They knew that no fire on earth can ever damage a perfect diamond. Someone had taken the real diamond and put a faulty stone in its place. The question was: who?

  A picture of the ring appeared in the newspapers. A professional photographer thought he recognized the ring. The next day there was another picture in the paper: it showed a famous actress walking out to a plane for Paris. Behind the actress there was a woman wearing a large diamond ring. “Do you know the woman with the lovely diamond ring?” the papers asked their readers.

  At his trial, Jenkins asked the judge to consider eighty-one similar crimes against the Silkstone Jewellery Company.

  The judge said, “You are a master craftsman who turned bad. I feel rather sorry. But I must send you to prison. Seven years.”

  ( )59. Consider the name “master craftsman”。 From this story, do you think that a craftsman is clever in using his brain or his hands?

  Which of these men might be master craftsman?

  a. A shoemaker. b. A builder.

  c. A secretary. d. A doctor.

  e. A teacher. f. A watchmaker.

  g. A toolmaker. h. A motorist.

  A. a, b, f, g B. c, d, e C. a, b, f, g, h D. c, d, e, h


  ( )60. Who was important in the photograph?

  A. The photographer. B. Jenkins.

  C. The actress. D. The lady wearing the ring.


  ( )61. The company had to agree about ________.

  A. the damage to the diamond B. the fault in the diamond

  C. the price of the diamond ring D. the seven-year sentence


  ( )62. Who found Jenkins out?

  A. The newspaper. B. A famous actress.

  C. A professional photographer. D. The buyer.




  The badger (獾) has been nicknamed “doormat” because of its broad, squat form and is hairy back. Actually it is a courageous fighter. In pioneer days it was considered as great sport to turn a pack of dogs loose on this furry foe, but few dogs were willing to challenge the badger a second time.

  When attacked, the badger digs a protective hole. If cornered, it releases a strong odor (臭氣) from glands (腺) near its tail. The badger‘s height only about nine inches—places its throat below the line of attack of most dogs, and the back of its neck is protected by coarse hair.

  In a fight, the badger‘s front claws are formidable weapons. It can leave a dog limping after one well placed bite of its sharp teeth. Only the low-slung dachshund can easily get a deadly throat hold on the badger; his dog was once much used in “badgering”。 Fortunately for the badger, the popularity of this sport has decreased considerably.

  ( )63. The badger releases a strong odor when it is _______.

  A. attacking another animal B. retreating from the fight

  C. cornered by its enemies D. digging a hole

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