国际货运代理报名、考试、查分时间 免费短信提醒


  十八、Unit Eighteen Telex and Fax

2011年国际货运代理考试专业英语考试大纲(4)预览_报考指南  (一)基本要求

  了解:Introduction to telex and fax

  熟悉:Layout of telex and fax;New words and expression

  掌握:Principles of writing telex and fax


  1.Introduction to telex and fax

  2.Layout of telex and fax

  3.Principles of writing telex and fax

  4.New words and expression

  十九、Unit Nineteen The Air Waybill


  了解:Principal requirements for an Air Waybill

  熟悉:New words and expression;Reception check list

  掌握:AWB,Cargo Manifest,Instruction form


  1.The Air Waybill

  2.Cargo Manifest

  3.Reception check list and instruction form

  4.New words and expression

  5.Fill in the AWB

  二十、Unit Twenty Air Cargo Charges and Rates


  了解:New words and expression

  熟悉:Contract FAT Rates,Specific Commodity Rates,Class Rates

  掌握:General Cargo Rates,Minimum Charges,Bulk Unitization Rates


  1.General Cargo Rates

  2.Minimum Charges

  3.Class Rates Bulk Unitization Rates

  4.Specific Commodity Rates

  5.Bulk Unitization Rates

  6.Contract FAT Rates

  7.New words and expression

  二十一、Unit Twenty One Introduction to FIATA


  了解:Congress and regional meeting of FIATA

  熟悉:New WOrds and expression;HistorY and organization of FIATA

  掌握:FIATA’s main objectives and documents created by FIATA


  1.History of FIATA

  2.Objectives of FIATA

  3.Organization of FIATA


  5.New words and expression

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